Markdown Editors Survey
Recently my interest in using Markdown documents as personal notes have re-emerged.
This looks like a really good markdown editor. Desirable features include:
- Cross-platform and free
- Paste images from clipboard
- There's an option to save image to current folder
- Cmd-K to insert link
- Follow links with cmd-click
- Able to follow local links (important for wiki like personal notes)
- Outline mode
- Always-on-Top (useful for note-taking)
- Launch Typora from command line
- Mac:
open -a typora <file>
- Mac:
This feels like a quality build software. I predict it will become wildly more popular.
Note - launch typora from command line
1 | cat >$HOME/.local/bin/typora <<'EOF' |
In the past 10+ years I've been using Vim for basically everything everyday. So my default markdown editor has been vim. For quick edits I still prefer vim. Some nice plugins for markdown editing are:
- Goyo: distraction free writing
- vim-markdown: better syntax highlighting
- ToC:
- Link conceal:
:set conceallevel=2 concealcursor=nc
- ToC:
- Follow local link: the good old
- Preview image (maybe
If you choose to not using hard wrap, then following config makes long lines look nice:
set breakindent " soft wrapped lines are indented too
let &showbreak = '↳ ' " visual line break indicator