This totally blew my mind. Look at the ASCII table, organized in 4 columns:

        00    01    10    11
00000   NUL  Spc     @     `
00001   SOH    !     A     a
00010   STX    "     B     b
00011   ETX    #     C     c
00100   EOT    $     D     d
00101   ENQ    %     E     e
00110   ACK    &     F     f
00111   BEL    '     G     g
01000   BS     (     H     h
01001   TAB    )     I     i
01010   LF     *     J     j
01011   VT     +     K     k
01100   FF     ,     L     l
01101   CR     -     M     m
01110   SO     .     N     n
01111   SI     /     O     o
10000   DLE    0     P     p
10001   DC1    1     Q     q
10010   DC2    2     R     r
10011   DC3    3     S     s
10100   DC4    4     T     t
10101   NAK    5     U     u
10110   SYN    6     V     v
10111   ETB    7     W     w
11000   CAN    8     X     x
11001   EM     9     Y     y
11010   SUB    :     Z     z
11011   ESC    ;     [     {
11100   FS     <     \     |
11101   GS     =     ]     }
11110   RS     >     ^     ~
11111   US     ?     _   DEL


This original paper lists the design considerations (gets interesting at page 7). Wikipedia lists some interesting designs too. Some are explained here. Some are explained in the HN comments here and here. And this pdf paper.

But here are my observations:

Grouped in 4 columns, each with 32 chars, from 00000 (0) - 11111 (31). Each col has a different 2 bits prefix (00, 01, 10, 11).

All control chars are in first column, except DEL, which is 0111_1111.

a-z and A-Z all begins with 00001 (1), ends at 11010 (26). The difference is the column they are in. Lower cases in column 10, upper cases in column 11. That means:

Converting to upper case means setting 6th bit to 1 (OR 0b00100000). Converting to lower case means setting 6th bit to 0 (AND 0b11011111).

let toLower (c:char) = byte c ||| byte 0b00100000 |> char
let toUpper (c:char) = byte c &&& byte 0b11011111 |> char

Characters 0-9 are their represented numberic values (0b0000 - 0b1001) prefixed with 0b0011 (OR 0b0011_0000).

Converting char digit to number can be efficiently done with masking out the higher 4 bits:

let char_to_num (digit: char) = byte digit &&& byte 0b00001111 |> int

Note how these characters aligned:

        10    11
11011    [    {
11100    \    |
11101    ]    }