FsLab Journal is a literate programming tool based on FSharp.Formatting. It's sort of like Jupyter notebook. The advantage of it over IPython notebook is that it's statically typed and IDE supports are awesome. In order to use it:

  1. Download the template from here
  2. Run build run to automatically restore packages and start a live server
  3. Unzip and open the .fsproj file to start editing in Visual Studio
  4. The web page is automatically updated (there's a several seconds delay)

To add a reference, add a line in paket.dependencies, and reference the assembly in the .fsx script file by the following. Then intellisense will work!

#r "packages/Argu/lib/net40/Argu.dll"

FSharp.Formatting lets you register custom object output by RegisterTransformation. Here's Deedle's implementation (e.g., frame as table, etc.). But currently it doesn't let you do table cells conditional formatting.
